Breakfast is one of the meals I struggle the most with.
I always wake up HUNGRY!!!! and usually don't get to feed myself til after I've fed the childrens, then I get distracted by checking my email, checking facebook, put on a loaf of bread blablabla all the other stuff that needs doing in the morning.
Most days I just grab whatever I find, but at least one day a week I will make the effort to feed myself properly and have a 'Breakfast of Champions'.
Today was one of those days.
I've got a bunch of appointments and won't get home til nearly 2pm so if I don't eat now, I'll be a fainty, cranky mess by the time I get home.
I like a breakfast with protein and carbs. Given the choice, I would choose protein over carbs for breakfast everytime. I definitely prefer a savoury breakfast to a sweet one.
Today's creation is a vegan Thai Fish Cakes baguette with some vegan mayo, sweet chilli sauce and roquette.
The Fishcakes are made by the Redwood Co and available from Radical Grocery Store. They're actually made from chickpeas and spices and are very tasty. The mayo is Plamil's egg-free mayo and It's so much tastier than the icky egg mayo stuff.
Yes it was VERY delicious!!!!
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