After a discussion with the childrens about what are 'healthy' foods, it was decided that we would try and have colour themed meals to make sure we ate as many different vitamins and minerals as we could.
One of the childrens is not a fan of green food and the only green food thing that appealed is my 'green sauce'.
So it was decided that last night's meal would only include green and white foods and heavily feature green sauce.
I made grilled chicken steaks (for white protein), potato, pea and mint salad (green and white carbs) and green sauce. A very simple meal that only took about 30 minutes all up to prepare and cook.
Let's face it, there are very few days in the week where you can spend more than 30 minutes preparing a meal. I usually try to choose meals that I know I can have done in the 20-30 minute time range. It's enough time to cook something decent and also not too long so that if if you have kids or babies waiting for your attention they should be able to last that long without a complete melt down.

Green Sauce is just a blitzed up mix of lots of fresh parsley, raw garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. It's quick and easy to make, it's raw, it's fresh, it's healthy, it matches well with a wide range of proteins AND most importantly its tasty!
The other benefit of green sauce is that it's loaded with immune boosting ingredients.
Parsley is one of my favourite herbs because well, its easy to grow, you can put it on or in everything and if it's the only green thing you kid will eat, then it's all good coz Parsley is awesome!!
Parsley has it all. It's got heaps of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, calcium, folate, magnesium and iron. It also has a bunch of amino acids and antioxidant type properties but you can read about that in the link.
So if have childrens that are not fans of the green stuff then try green sauce with chicken, lamb, tofu, pasta etc
Garlic, of course, if also a bit magical. Check the link for more info.
The pea, potato and mint salad was sooooooo tasty! I made heaps and there was not a speck left. I'm pretty sure someone even licked the bowl. (yes it is possible that someone was me... but it was really really tasty!!!)
I was going to make a pea mayonnaise (just blending, peas, mint and mayo) but decided to leave everything as it was.
Once all peas and potatoes were cooked, I just tossed them through with the mint and a bit of sea salt and olive oil. Simple. Easy. Tasty.
Chicken was also super simple. Just sliced fillets into thin steaks and then made a simple marinade of olive oil, salt, garlic (fresh) and oregano. Grilled on the cast iron thingo and it's all done!
So that was our Green and White dinner!