Friday, March 11, 2011

Things I know

It's that time of week already!
Here is my linked in 'Things I Know' post. 
(check out here for Yay for Home's post and others that are linked in)

* Making your own icy-poles is the coolest!!!  (pun intended :P)  I LOVE making Icy-poles!!!!

banana milkshake and soy choc milk icy-poles

* Sometimes you just want to eat a Hotdog.   Even though you know they are gross and bad for you.

* I am a bit OBSESSED with making cinnamon scrolls!  (and yes, with eating them too)
third batch this week!

*  Sometimes the simplest meal is the most delicious and comforting.
peas and rice

* Grapefruits have a stupid name. Well, they do! 

Have a great weekend!!


katepickle said...

mmmmm cinnamon scrolls..... mmmmm

shae said...

I had a hot dog at costco last week and admit that it was awesome!