Following on from Friday's herb bread, I thought I'd share some pics of the sticky cinnamon Scrolls I made yesterday.
Again, they are super easy to make and outstandingly delicious!!!!!!!
I use a crusty white bread flour mix (I use
Laucke brand flour pre-mixes) and add some extra ingredients to make the cinnamon bread dough.
If you're making it in the bread machine, add the ingredients in the same order as I've listed them.
340ml Water
3 Tablespoons oil
3 Tablespoons sugar (I use raw sugar)
2 teaspoons salt
3 Tablespoons of milk ( I use rice milk)
600g/ 3.5 cups flour (this is one of the laucke premix packs)
1 Tablespoon of ground Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon of Mixed Spice
2.5 teaspoons of dry yeast
Put it on the 'dough only' setting and go do something else for a while.
The 'dough only' setting takes about and hour and a half, but I like to leave it in there to rise for a few extra hours... til it's puffing out the top of the machine.
nicely risen dough |
In the meantime, you can get the rest of the stuff ready. Turn the oven on to about 200C and then you can make the other bits, like the gooey mixture for the inside of the scrolls and the vanilla icing.
Gooey Mixture:
half cup of maple syrup
100g raw sugar
100g chopped up sultanas (you could also add some chopped walnuts if you like)
1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
Stir it all up and leave til you need it
gooey mixture |
Vanilla icing:
half a cup of butter (or Nuttelex. I find the Kosher Nuttelex works best)
Vanilla extract.... about a teaspoon
1 cup of icing sugar
Mix til you have a smooth, creamy mixture.
Now that you have everything you need, it's time to make those scrolls.
Make some space on the bench so you can roll out the bread dough mixture into a large pizza.Don't make the pizza too thin. About 2cm deep is good.
Spread the gooey mixture over the pizza and then roll the pizza up in the way way as the herb bread. So starting at the edge, start rolling it into a long roll.
rolled from pizza to roll with gooey mixture inside |
Once you have your rolled up dough, you need to cut it into thick slices, about 5-8cm thick.
Place the slices on a baking tray so that the pretty swirly side is facing up. You can pack them close together to get that bakery pulled apart look, or space them out for more individual looking buns.
roll cut into slices and placed on tray |

bake in the oven til they are golden brown, remove from oven and allow to cool.
Once they are cool to the touch, you can generously add the vanilla icing.
OMG they are SOOOOOOOOO tasty!!! |